Quick actions function allows to run previously defined automation rules directly in the contact card.
In order to choose automation rules to be turned on with the usage of a quick actions function, go to SETTINGS -> OTHER -> QUICK ACTIONS.
[1] Activate quick actions – in order to make the function active, check the check box. If the function is active, direct links will let you launch particular actions in the contact card.
[2] Name – give name assigned to the button launching a particular action. Maximum number of characters: 20.
[3] Turn rule on – choose which rule, after clicking a particular button in contact card, will be turned on.
[4] Activate – to create a direct link to a chosen rule available in the contact card, check activate check box.
[5] Save – to apply changes click save button.
Quick actions in contact card are placed directly below contact scoring chart.
Note: Up to 10 quick actions can be set. Clicking a chosen button results in turning on a particular automation rule for a given contact.
Preview, of every active rule using quick actions, is available in the contact card in tab Profile-> Rules.
Note: If an rule activated by quick actions includes conditions not fulfilled by a contact, it will not be turned on.