Quick actions

Quick actions function allows to run previously defined automation rules directly in the contact card.

In order to choose automation rules to be turned on with the usage of a quick actions function, go to SETTINGS -> OTHER -> QUICK ACTIONS.


[1] Activate quick actions – in order to make the function active, check the check box. If the function is active, direct links will let you launch particular actions in the contact card.

[2] Name – give name assigned to the button launching a particular action. Maximum number of characters: 20.

[3] Turn rule on – choose which rule, after clicking a particular button in contact card, will be turned on.

[4] Activate – to create a direct link to a chosen rule available in the contact card, check activate check box.

[5] Save – to apply changes click save button.

Quick actions in contact card are placed directly below contact scoring chart.

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Note: Up to 10 quick actions can be set. Clicking a chosen button results in turning on a particular automation rule for a given contact.

Preview, of every active rule using quick actions, is available in the contact card in tab Profile-> Rules.

Note: If an rule activated by quick actions includes conditions not fulfilled by a contact, it will not be turned on.


If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: support@salesmanago.com +1 800 960 0640