Account moderation rules

In accordance with the SALESmanago anti-spam policy, some accounts are subject to email moderation.

This concerns e.g. new accounts. Each email sent by a new Customer must be approved by the Project Manager. Messages are checked for data consistency and compliance with SALESmanago’s anti-spam policy – we make sure that they do not include illicit content, do not have properties characteristic of spam, and are not inconsistent with the Customer’s business profile.

Another possible reason for account moderation is the exceeded recommended number of emails sent within a week. We have performed many analyses concerning mass mailings and their effect on the Contact Base, unsubscribing tendencies, and generated sales. The results of the analyses show that sending more than 3.6 mass mailings per week has a very negative effect on our Customers’ Contact bases, resulting in a high unsubscription rate and a considerable drop in the OR and CTR over time, and consequently – decreased sales. To prevent this, we introduced a special moderation system called the 3.6 Principle. If the number of emails sent in the course of 7 days exceeds the result of the following equation:

3.6 x the number of Opt-In Contacts in the database

– each subsequent mailing in that week will be subject to moderation.

There are also other reasons for which an account may be placed under moderation. Detailed moderation rules are set out below.

SALESmanago account moderation rules:

  • All new SALESmanago accounts are subject to moderation – which can be lifted after a minimum of 3 correct mass mailings.
  • The email must contain a visible opt-out link – otherwise it will not be approved.
  • The links included in the email must redirect to pages that have an HTTPS certificate.
  • The Contact base must be developed individually by the Customer, i.e. must not be purchased from a third party.
  • Each email with an attachment > 5 MB will be moderated. If the attachment is bigger than 5 MB, we suggest you upload the file to your own server and provide a link at which the file can be downloaded. Sending large attachments to large groups of Contacts results in the message ending up in the Spam folder.

We encourage you to get acquainted with this article on good practices for creating and sending emails >>.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640