Analytics of emails and sms messages in Workflow

Thanks to the Workflow campaign you can create complex structures that run marketing activities instead of you! Learn our analytics and get precise data.

In Workflow Analytics you can find both Workflow Email Analytics and Workflow SMS Analytics


In the main menu bar go to: Menu→ Automations → Automation Processes → Workflow → Workflow Email Analytics

[1] The number of viewed and clicked messages – shown in the line chart

[2] Time frame – select one option from the drop-down list

[3] Messages sent – shown in numbers

[4] OR – Open Rate, the ratio of open to sent messages

[5] CTR – Click Through Rate, the ratio of unique clicks to send emails (it excludes hard and soft bounces)

Below you can see a list of emails that were sent

The list of messages sent you can see in the table with the division into: date, sender, message, #sent, # opened, #clicked, OR, CTR

There are also two checkboxes here [1] show planned also and show deleted which you can choose and click [2] Filter to see only those messages that meet the conditions of the checkboxes. You can also click [2] Search where you can search the message using the name, subject, date. Next, click [3] Export to export selected data.


In the main menu bar go to: Menu → Automations → Automation Processes → Workflow → Workflow Email Analytics

Below you can see the view of Workflow SMS Analytics

This is the list of all SMS messages sent is in the table with the division into the following columns: : date, sender, name, #contacts, #sent, #delivered, #undelivered, #replied. Here you can also delete each message.

It is possible to filter messages by choosing checkboxes [1]. These are the checkboxes: show all (default), show owned, show planned.

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640