This condition refers to the addition of new contact details with a given name and value. Details can be manually added to the contact card, the API system form/pop-up, as well as to the rules of automation. In the event we can provide the name of the change and the value that is taken from. There are also advanced mathematical operations, such as; outcome of the remainder by 2.
The condition has to include:
[1] The type of condition: contact has a detail.
[2] Name: name of the contact – the action will be launched for a contact with a given node
[3] Phone: the action will be run for the contact that has the selected phone number
[4] Fax: the action will be run for the contact that has the selected fax number
[5] State: The action will be run for the contact with the selected status:
[6] Address: the action will be run for the contact with the chosen address
[7] Company: the action will be run for the contact to which the selected company name has been assigned
[8] Detail name: type the name of a detail.
[9] Detail value: adding value’s details. Use the numerical mathematical operator “=”, if the change has a value equal to the present number. Similarly, “<” and “>”, to values “less than or greater”. For nonnumeric variables use “~” character. It will trigger the rule. If the phrase specified in the rule is the same as the value, for example, value,”gender”. If you do not want to check the value and only add a detail, leave the default “-” sign. Only one incident per detail and value is possible. You can, if necessary, make several parallel events.
[10] Save changes – click to save changes