The condition is fulfilled If on a contact card of specific client prediction of churn occurrence comprises in chosen value (small, medium, high, very high), or not.
In this condition you have to specify the following information:
[1] Pop-up with settings – right here you have to set all data about the condition as:
[A] Optional “no” – denial of the condition, the condition will apply to all contacts which one the churn prediction is not a value from [B].
[B] In this place you have to select the value of the churn prediction, you can choose from the following:
- Small => 0-25%
- Medium => 26%-50%
- High => 51% – 75%
- Very high => 76% – 100%
[C] Save changes – click the button to save all data.
If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us:
+1 800 960 0640