Search Engine Turbocharger – wizard

Increase the power of your online store’s search engine using AI recommendations, NLP technology, customer data, and voice search. Create a mechanism in 5 minutes that will enrich the operation of the search engine on your website and improve the customer experience.

To create a new search engine, go to 

Web Tools → Website Personalization → Search Engine Turbocharger → + New search engine


  1. Basic information
  2. Data
  3. Filters
  4. Sort options
  5. Summary

1. Basic information

Search Engine Turbocharger is an advanced engine that can change the face of the search engine on your website. It requires an e-shop with a product feed that contains complete information about the products. The more accurate the data, the more precise the search results will be. We recommend that your product feed include around 10,000 unique brands or categories/subcategories.

In order to use the created Search Engine Turbocharger, it is necessary to integrate your website with the API method provided by the search engine.

2. Data

The first step is to enter the basic search engine data:

[1] Name – Enter a unique name under which you will later find your search engine, along with its analytics and advanced settings. The maximum number of characters is 255.

[2] Description – Enter a description of your search engine, which will later help you verify what settings you have entered and distinguish it from other search engines.

[3] E-shop – From the drop-down list, select the previously configured e-shop with your SALESmanago account for which you will create a new search engine.

IMPORTANT: There is no limit to the number of search engines created in the system; you can create any number of search engines for a single e-shop.

[4] Next – Click the button to go to the next step of settings.

3. Filters

First, set up filters that will provide search engine users with a more precise selection of products on your website:

[1] Filters – Choose the filtering methods that will be available in your search engine; that is, the features that can be selected to narrow down a list of searched products. For example, jackets for the winter season. We recommend selecting at least 3 filters.

IMPORTANT: The filters must be selected in the SALESmanago search wizard, but their values are taken from your online store.

[2] Next Click the button to go to the next step of settings.

4. Sort options

Another setting element is the choice of sorting methods in your search engine:

[1] Sorting – Choose the way in which the products of your search engine will be sorted; that is, in what order they will be displayed. For example, you can sort from the most popular to the least popular. We recommend that you choose at least 2 sorting methods.

IMPORTANT: In the SALESmanago search engine wizard, you need to select the sorting methods, but their values are taken from your online store.

[2] Next – Click the “next” button to go to the next step of settings.

5. Summary

That’s all. Our mechanism requires 24 hours to train the model and calculate the data. After this time, the search engine will be ready for use.

[1] Save Click to save your search engine. You can also perform this action by clicking the [3] Save button.

[2] Go to advanced settings – To improve the operation of your search engine, go to advanced settings.

Check how advanced settings work in Search Engine Turbocharger >>

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640