Advanced email addressing options – Filtering

In addition to regular emails using tags or specific email addresses, SALESmanago has
advanced capabilities for addressing mailings to an interested audience.

All the methods that can be used to select a group of contacts in management. Learn more about Contact Management.

You can apply advanced filtering options wherever there is a contact selection option,

including in the Customer Segmentation Center

Audiences → Segmentation → Segmentation Center → + Add a new segment

Contact Management

Audiences → Contacts → Contact management → Contact Manager and when Exporting Contacts AudiencesContacts → Contact management → Exports


  1. Advanced contact filtering by
    a. age
    b. birth date
    c. date
    d. details
    e. number of emails
    f. email address domain
    g. external events
    h. name
    i. phone number
    j. scoring
    k. tags
    l. tag scoring
    m. dictionary detail

  1. Advanced address filtering

While selecting contacts in a segment to save, or in an ad hoc segment created for a specific
action, you can additionally filter the indicated group according to several preferred criteria.

For advanced filtering, click +Add Filter [1] below the area where you specify contact groups.

Note: Advanced filtering applies to contacts listed in the “Select contacts” and “Exclude contacts” fields. Example: When addressing a mailing, you select the “All contacts” selector, and then add filters to narrow the group – that is, extract only those contacts that meet the given condition from the selected pool. Each subsequent filter is added with the conjunction “and.” This means that contacts that will be ultimately included in the segment must meet all mentioned conditions simultaneously. If you add the filters “Filter by date of birth” (Has) and “Filter by email address domain” (,, then only those contacts that have the specified date of birth and domain email will be included in the segment.

Click the button to display the list of available filtering options:

To select the filtering method you are interested in, click on its name. After clicking, you will see a pop-up window where you can enter additional settings for filtering. Filtering options:

[A] Filtering by age

SALESmanago enables its users to filter contacts according to age. If your database contains data on a contact’s date of birth, then the system will automatically calculate the contact’s age. This is an extremely useful feature if you are interested in delivering a particular message to a specific group of contacts. If you want the system to select, for example, only 18-year-olds, set the age group as 18 to 18.

IMPORTANT: “Filtering by age” recognizes the day, month, and year. So, So, in the example below, all contacts who are 18 years of age or older on the day the segment is used, but have not yet turned 61, will be included in the segment.

[B] Filtering by birth date

There is also an option to filter contacts by those with or without a date of birth. You can use this option in various situations and campaigns, such as progressive profiling. To select the appropriate group of contacts, simply check the “Has” or “Has not” option that will display when you select this filter.


[C] Filtering by date

Contacts stored in the database can be filtered by date. This will allow you to send messages or export contacts whose activity has been recorded within a particular timeframe. You can select one of the following three options:

  • Created – Period of time when a contact was added to the database – for example, when they were uploaded to the system or subscribed to the newsletter.

  • Modified – Period of time when a contact’s information, such as name, address, or phone number, was modified. Modification is not related to tags (contact details).

  • Last visit – Period of time when a contact demonstrated activity on the monitored page – that is, they visited the monitored site within the indicated range.

IMPORTANT: The specified dates are included endpoints of an indicated interval; in other words, the specified dates are included in the filtered results.

If you are interested in filtering by the date of adding a tag, you will find such an option in “tag filtering.”

To select a filtering detail, tick the appropriate checkbox next to your preferred option.


[D] Filtering by details


This filtering mode concerns additional contact details, which can be added, for example, during database import, by automation rule, or on the contact card. With these details you can submit all data to the system that does not fit into the basic fields on the contact card, such as information about the individual’s position or their gender. In the latter case, you can easily filter out men from the newsletter database to send them a different offer than that sent to the other contacts. Each additional detail has a name (e.g., sex or gender) and a value (e.g., M or F). To use this filtering option, specify in the settings the name of the detail or details you want to make a criterion and the value it should take.

For numeric values, use mathematical operators:

  • “=” if the value of the property is equal to the preset number;

  • “<” and “>” for the value less than or greater than the indicated number.

For variable values, use the “~” character, which compares the content that you enter into the value field with that which is given in the detail field (e.g., F value for the detail describing gender). The filter searches for a contact if a given character or string is found in the detail value (e.g., the ABC value can be filtered in several ways: ~A, ~B, ~C, ~AB, ~BC). This character will also work for numeric values.

If you want to search for a specific phrase, use the “ex” search parameter. It is analogous to the “=” operator. It searches for exactly the phrase that was typed in to the search box. For example, if there are two contacts in the database, one ABC and the other ABCD, searching ~ABC will filter out both contacts. However, typing the phrase ~ex:ABC into the search engine will filter out only the contact that has the value ABC.

IMPORTANT: Filtering by detail does not work for details from a dictionary.

Example: Your newsletter database has 100,000 contacts: 40% male, 60% female. Each of the contacts in the system is assigned a detail called “gender.” Men take the value of M, women, F.

Let’s say you prepared two newsletters for Women’s Day. One is a promotional newsletter for women and the other one encourages men to buy a gift. With advanced filtering, you can use the newsletter tag and then set the filter for gender.

[E] Filtering by number of emails

Filtering by number of messages is a very useful feature. Here, you can specify the number of messages sent, opened, or clicked on by a contact. As with the previous options, you can indicate whether the number of messages should be greater than, less than, or equal to the number you specify. If you specify, for example, the number of messages sent as >200, then only those contacts who have received 201 or more emails will be filtered out of the group.

When filtering by number of emails, filters are combined using the “and” operator – the result is the common part of the selected sets.

Example: You notice that there is a certain group of people who regularly open your newsletters but don’t click on any links. You want to send them a new template with a clearer call-to-action and an attractive promotion. For this purpose, you determine that the message should be sent to people who have opened more than three newsletters but have not clicked on any of the links.

[F] Filtering by email address domain

SALESmanago allows you to send tailored emails only to those addresses that have established domains, such as a certain company or email providers like Gmail.

Example: Gmail converts links to films on YouTube and creates small thumbnails when sent through their system. You can also send video materials to Gmail addresses and they will be converted. Placing them in the body of the email significantly increases the CTR.

After choosing the “Advanced criteria🡪Filtering by email address domain” option, enter the domains after the comma. Only email addresses from these domains will be filtered from the selected recipient database.

[G] Filtering by external events

This filtering is used to include information about a transaction or any other event (adding a product to the cart, logging in, etc.) sent from the e-store to the SALESmanago system (via the API interface). To filter by external events, you can use up to 20 details. To add them, select the relevant items from the list in the drop-down menu and enter the value from the detail assigned to the external event in the field next to it.

[H] Filtering by name

You can also filter contacts into segments that have or do not have a name. Just like filtering by date of birth, you can use this option for progressive profiling or organizing your contact database. To select the appropriate group of contacts, simply check the “Has” or “Has not” option that will display when you select this filter.

[I] Filtering by phone number

You can easily send an email to contacts who have not provided a phone number. Just use advanced filtering and check the phone number 🡪 “Has not” option.

[J] Filtering by scoring

The system provides the option of filtering contacts according to their scoring. Scoring is an automatic assignment of a predefined number of points for each recorded interaction of a customer with the company. It shows the level of involvement and purchase readiness of a given visitor. Scoring for filtering can be defined as a numerical value by using mathematical operators:

  • “=” if the value of the property is equal to the preset number;

  • “<” and “>” for the value less than or greater than the indicated one.

Example: You plan a campaign to reward loyal customers and encourage them to join an affiliate program. Using selectors, you choose customers who are at the loyalty stage of the purchase funnel and have made their last purchase within the last 3 months. Additionally, as a filter, you set their scoring to be higher than 1,000 to ensure that you are rewarding people who have made a purchase, are active, and are actively engaged in a relationship with the brand.

[K] Filtering by tags

In this case, you have three independent options to choose from regarding tags. The first is filtering by tag with the tag creation date option. You set the start and end date of the creation of the tag you are addressing the mailing to or want to use when managing contacts. Remember that the specified dates are included endpoints of the indicated interval – that is, the specified dates are included in the filtered results. If you add more than one tag here, the system will consider them as connected by the “and” operator.

The second option is to filter contacts that have all of the listed tags, and the third option is to filter contacts that have any of the listed tags.

To select a filtering detail, check the appropriate box next to the preferred option. If you check more than one box, the system will analyze the common part of the indicated set.

Example: You have a segmentation matrix set up to assign the tag “interested_pricing” to everyone who has visited the service price list. You want to send an email with a special offer, but only to people who have been on this page since the beginning of April 2021, since a different price list was in effect before that date and the promotion applies to the new version. You want only people who have read the new price list to know about the promotion. In the “Enter contacts” field, you enter the tag “interested_pricing,” and in the filtering you specify to send only to those who have this tag assigned from the beginning of April until now.

[L] Filtering by tag scoring

An additional extension to filtering by tags is filtering by the tag’s score (the contact’s score is shown next to a particular tag).

To select a filtering detail, check the appropriate box next to the desired option and type in the proper value.

[M] Filtering by dictionary detail

Dictionary details are additional information about contacts that can be added manually on the contact card or via the API. They can also be used to filter groups of contacts. To use this filtering option, select the dictionary detail from the predefined list and then enter the limiting values, which will be the basis for this filter.

ADDITIONALLY: You can use selectors to address mailings. For more information on selectors for addressing mailings click here.

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