Website Automation – adding to the Automation Rules and Workflow

Customizing content on the website addressed to the specific client is an important element of marketing communication, indirectly influencing customers’ purchase decisions. Currently, it is possible to manage the content displayed to your website visitor by using the Website Automation mechanism in the Automation Rules and Workflow. Using Website Automation rules allows displaying personalized messages to the contacts based on transactional-behavioral data. This can be done by adding the action Run Website Automation rule to the Automation Rules or in Workflow.

By selecting the appropriate rule, e.g. the one responsible for displaying a pop-up after contact’s visit to the specific website, it is possible to efficiently manage the content reaching the client. 

The use of personalized messages allows you to shorten the time of customers’ purchase decisions, and thus reduces the likelihood of leaving your website due to the excess of messages and ads annoying the user. 


  1. Website Automation Rule – general description of individual elements
  2. Creating a Website Automation Rule Website Automation Rule in Automation and Workflow RulesRule


To create Website Automation rule, go to Automations → Automation Processes → Website Automation → + New Rule

Detailed information on how to create Website Automation rules and a description of individual elements, you will find here


[1] Automation process activating this feature allows you to use the rule in Automation Rules and Workflow. Selecting this option is necessary to create a Website Automation rule. 

IMPORTANT: Selecting this option will make it possible to use this rule only in actions in Workflow and Automation Rules. In addition, after marking the field Automation process, the Activate rule [A] will cease to be active, and the availability of each option in the Settings [B] will change. 

[B] Settings

[1] Name – here you can change the name of the rule

[2] Cancel, Save – click Cancel to cancel entering new settings or Save to confirm it


To create Website Automation rule, select and then drag selected tiles from the tab Elements into the empty field on the screen.

[1] Event: Contact visited URL the action will be run for a contact that meets the assumptions of the automation or workflow rules, where the given WAR rule will be used, and then it will enter the URL address set in this rule

[A] Settings after selecting this option, the tile settings will be displayed

[1] Domain –  select the domain on which you want the event to occur

[2] URL – enter the URL address, for which you want the action to be run

[3] Save – click to save changes

[2] Action: Display pop- up – when the contact enters the given page, the selected pop-up will be displayed. 

IMPORTANT: The pop-up will appear on the website, whose address has been entered in the event settings

[A] Settings – after choosing this option, the tile settings will be displayed

[1] Delay action – check this option if you want the action to be performed with the delay; specify it in hours or days

[2] Pop-up – select it from the drop-down list

[3] Exit pop-up – select this option if you want the pop-up to be displayed when the contact leaves the website

IMPORTANT: When you have this option checked, in [4] Display time there is no delay option; exit pop-up displays when the contact leaves the website.

[4] Display time – select when the script will be displayed; available options: immediately, on the next visit, delay

[5] Click Save to continue.

IMPORTANT: This means that if e.g., the pop-up has an inactive status but it is set and selected in the Website Automation rule, it will be displayed according to the rule settings, thus ignoring other settings.

[3] Add – selecting this option allows you to add another element to the rule; in this case, clicking the ✚ icon will display the tab Actions, placed in the side menu Elements. 

[4] Automation process Remember! Selecting this option is necessary to add the rule to Website Automation. 

After completing the Website Automation rule creation process, select Save. Then the window visible below will appear on the screen. 

[1] Back to edit after selecting this option you will be able to continue editing the Website Automation rule

[2] Go to the list – after selecting this option you will be moved to the list of created Website Automation rules

An image below shows the view of an exemplary Website Automation rule on the list. The rule marked this way is ready to be used in Workflow and Automation Rules in the action Run Website Automation rule.


Learn how to define which message will be displayed for a given contact using Workflow and Automation Rules. 

Action: Run Website Automation rule in Automation Rules
Action: Run Website Automation rule in Workflow

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640