Website Automation Analytics

The Analytics of Website Automation enables a precise analysis of the rules that you create. Thanks to that you can obtain detailed information about the rule as a whole but also its components.

Learn more about Website Automation

Website automation allows:

  • increasing sales conversion by supporting the purchasing process with information about offers and recommendations dedicated to the client
  • acquiring new contacts thanks to advanced personalization of forms and displaying them in the most suitable moment
  • providing content which shortens a purchase path and facilitates the way interesting offers are searched
  • improving the process of service thanks to automatic, adjusted to the context initiation of the chat conversation

Website Automation enables creating advanced scenarios of providing content for the website, such as:

  • pop-up and exit pop-up
  • displaying consent forms of Web Push notifications
  • opening Live Chat window
  • changing text in the chat bubble
  • performing any javascript on the website

When you create a scenario, a set of client features is configured. What is more, you indicate what behaviour triggers a particular action.

In order to check the Analytics of Website Automation:


Here there are:

[1] Details about the rule – name, date of modification, date of modification

[2] Time range – select from what period you want to see the analysis

[3] Rule activations – the number shows how many times the requirements of the rule are met by the contacts

[4] Planned actions – number of actions created by the rule but not sure to take place; the reason of non-performance of these actions can by a priority (other action with a higher priority takes place then), contact does not visit the website again, contact leeaves the website before the action takes place or the action is planned for the next visit on the website.

[5] Performed actions – the number of actions performed for the contact

[6] Number of rule activations, planned and performed actions – details concerning rule activations, planned and performed actions presented together in the chart (points [3] – [5] described above)

[7] Statistics for a particular action – details concerning planned and performed actions presented for each element separately

IMPORTANT: If a rule is edited (you add/delete actions), you can see all changes that have been implemented along with statistics for different settings.


  • The analytics presents data concerning both monitored and anonymous contacts
  • In the analytics, you can change the time range. Available options: last 7 days, last 30 days, current month, previous month, current quarter, previous quarter, current year, previous year
If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640