Thanks to the Send SMS Alert action, after an Event occurs, we can send an SMS alert to a specific phone number. This is possible if we have already configured a gateway. Check how to configure the SMS gateway.
[1] SMS gateway – choose one of the integrated SMS gateways, which you want to use to send the message.
[2] To – specify the number(s) you want the SMS alert to be sent to when an event occurs. Separate the phone numbers with a comma. You can enter any phone number. It does not have to be in your contact database in SALESmanago.
[3] Send after – choose after what period of time you want the alert message to be sent to users:
- after “x” hours
- after “x” days
- after “x” weeks
- after “x” months
- after “x” years
[4] Create – enter the alert text you want to send to the user.
IMPORTANT: You can use up to 512 characters in the content window.
[5] Allow diacritical characters (required for emojis) – if you have chosen an SMS gateway that allows using diacritical characters in a text message, you can click the checkbox to forbid using them. Diacritical marks are e.g. ę, ż, ä, ü, ß and emojis.
[6] Specify sending time of your message – specify when exactly you want the message to be sent. In the empty windows, specify the hours when the user is going to receive the message.
IMPORTANT: If for some reason the workflow runs outside the chosen period of time, the messages won’t be sent that day but the next day within the previously specified period.