Quote of the day configuration

Quote of the day is a feature that prompts the display of the bubble with the quote of the day in the right bottom corner. Each day brings a new quote. The bubble appears only on the main dashboard and you can change its settings.


  1. Display settings
  2. Restoring the display of the quote of the day

1. Display settings

[1] Settings – click the icon to go to the settings of the quotes.

[A] Do not show quotes – the option of switching off the quotes.

[B] Show quotes once a week – the option of displaying a quote once a week.

[C] Show quotes – the option of displaying the quotes on a daily basis.

2. Restoring the display of the quote of the day 

Go to Settings => Other => Quotes

In the case when you have blocked the display of the quotes (then the option Inactive will be marked), you can restore the quotes by choosing the options:

Active – displaying quotes every day.

Show once a week – displaying the quotes in a specific time of the week.

Disabled – if you want to keep them block, leave this option.

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: support@salesmanago.com +1 800 960 0640