Workflow Condition: Contact has specific preferences for Channels & Frequency

You can use this Workflow element if you have the feature: Customer Preference Center >>.

This Condition is met if a Contact has specified their preferences for Channels & Frequency via the Customer Preference Center.

Channels & Frequency provide information on the manner of communication preferred by your Contacts: their favorite marketing channels and preferred messaging time (day of the week, time range) and frequency (regularly, sometimes, occasionally). The Condition: Contact has specific preferences for Channels & Frequency allows you to adjust your communication with customers based on preferences indicated via the Customer Preference Center.

Learn more about Channels & Frequency >>

After adding this Condition to your Workflow, define the following settings:

contact has specific preferences for channels frequency

[1] Customer Preference Center—Use the drop-down list to select the Preference Center for which the Condition will be checked. The list contains all your active Preference Centers.

[2] Type—Select the type of preference that you want to check in this Condition.

NOTE: A single Condition can contain settings for only one data type. If you want to set Conditions relating to more than one data type, drag further Conditions: Contact has specific preferences for Channels & Frequency onto the board and connect them with arrows (as shown on the screen below).

advanced settings

Such Conditions: Contact has specific preferences for Channels & Frequency will be connected by the AND operator, meaning that for a Contact to go further down this path, all the conditions specified in all the tiles must be met. (See also Important below.)

[3] Settings—Depending on the data type selected in point [2], you will see different settings. Select the option(s) for which you want the Condition to be met. You can choose from among:

  • Days:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
  • Frequency:
    • Regularly
    • Sometimes
    • Occasionally
  • Channels:
    • SMS
    • Email
    • Web Push
  • Hours:
    • from-to, 24-hour clock

IMPORTANT: The options are connected by the AND operator, which means that for the Condition to be met, a Contact must indicate as preferred all the options selected in the Condition’s settings (see the examples below).

The options checked in the Condition’s settings are: Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday.

A Contact indicates the following days in the Preference Center: Saturday, Sunday.

This Contact does not meet the Condition.


The option checked in the Condition’s settings is: Sunday.

A Contact indicates the following days in the Preference Center: Saturday, Sunday.

This Contact does meet the Condition.

Click Save to continue configuring your Workflow.

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640