Useful links
This Condition is met if a Contact visited any of your monitored websites within a specified time period.
A monitored website is a website with the SALESmanago Monitoring Code.
TIP: If you want to check whether a Contact has visited a specific monitored domain or a specific URL on a monitored domain, use the Condition: Contact visited URL >>
After adding this Condition to your Workflow, define the following settings:

[1] During the last—Define the time period for which the Condition will be checked. The Condition will be met if a Contact visited any of your monitored websites within this time period.
Enter a number and use one of the following time units: hour, day, week, month, year.
Click Save to continue configuring your Workflow.
If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us:
+1 800 960 0640