Managing consents in SALESmanago

SALESmanago is Marketing Automation application that assists people with marketing and sales activities inside the companies of various profiles. It serves as a tool that helps with collecting data and its automated processing. It enables sending offers by electronic means among all. With regard to these actions, SALESmanago lets you create consents that you can archive, so you can work in compliance with the state and European Union’s law.

IMPORTANT: SALESmanago serves as a tool that helps you work in compliance with the law and information included in the article is only a suggestion. You are the administrator of your customers’ data, so in order to confirm that you act according to the law, we strongly suggest taking expert advice. 


  1. What kind of information should I include in a consent?
  2. How can I acquire consents?
  3. How can I create a consent in SALESmanago?
  4. How can I add a consent to the form?
  5. To which forms can I add a consent?
  6. Where can I find consents in the system?
  7. Consents vs. tags

What kind of information should I include in consent?

Usually, the consent includes a formula about the purpose of using the personal data (e.g. profiling), about performing specific actions towards a user (e.g. sending emails with offers) or information about the possibility of opting out.

How can I acquire consents?

  • Forms – you can acquire consents by means of the forms you include in pop-ups. In practice, it means adding a small checkbox with the consent formula. Below you can find the formula of adding the checkbox in the HTML forms:
<input type="hidden" value="true" name="$$">
<input type="checkbox" name="$$">
    Replace NAME with the consent name. The consent has to be created in the system beforehand (see section 3).
  • API – by means of contact/upsert method you can add information about contacts and also about consents sent back from the users. You only need to add a formula.
    IMPORTANT: The consent must be created in the system.

Exemplary formula:

        { “consentName”: “ZGODA”, “consentAccept”: true, “agreementDate”: 1391167515515 },
        { “consentName”: “ZGODA2”, “consentAccept”: false, “agreementDate”: 1391167515789 }
a) consentName – the name of the consent,
b) consentAccept – information whether contact has agreed or not (allowed values: true, false),
c) agreementDate – timestamp with the date of sending confirmed consent (if the field remains empty, it will be filled with the current date).

How can I create a consent in SALESmanago?

Go to Audiences → Contacts → Custom consent list. In this place, you will create consents which will be saved on the list. You cannot delete the consent, change its name, however, you can change its text.
[1] Add a new consent – the option of adding the new consent.
[2] – the created consent will be available on the list. Each created consent in the system has a history that will unfold once you click the arrow marked on the illustration above.

Adding a consent
[1] Name – type in the name of the consent. The name of the consent cannot be changed later. The name can consist only of 30 signs. You can use letters, digits, and underscores. You cannot use diacritical marks (e.g. ä, ö, ü), special signs (e.g. !, @, #, ?) and spaces.
[2] Text – type in the text of the consent. After you save the consent, you can always go back and update the text. You can change the font and add hyperlinks.

Click Save when you finish creating your consent.

Editing a consent 
[1] Update – click the button to edit the text of the consent. The current version of the consent is always in the first position.
Example: You have created a consent Marketing_Consent_1 with the following formula: “I give permission for processing my personal data”. After a month you update the text: “I give permission for processing my personal data for the purposes of examining my preferences”. You can see the whole history of changes regarding Marketing_Consent_1 with the modification date on the list of agreements.

How can I add a consent to the form?

Go to Menu → Web Tools → Lead Generation → Lead Generation forms → Pop-ups → Create new → Express. Once you choose the type of the form, you can choose input fields to the form in the second step.
Click [ + ] Add input field and from the dropdown list choose Consent from the consents list and confirm your choice. Then, go to the settings of the field by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of the added field.
[1] Consent – from the dropdown list choose the consent you want to include in the form. If you cannot choose any consent from the list because you have not created it yet, click [5] Add new consent button.
[2] Consent text – once you choose the consent from the list, the text of the consent will display in the text field. You can change the font colour with the colour picker on the right side of the text field. Below the text field you can choose the font size of the text.
[3] Display the consent as checkbox – the consent will be displayed as a checkbox.
[4] This field is required – choose this option if you want this consent to be required to send the form.
[5] Add new consent – click the button if you want to create a consent from scratch.
Once you adjust the settings, click Save.
This is an exemplary form that contains one consent [1]. You can add as many consents as you want to.

To which forms can I add a consent

 Each form that is created directly in the wizard is saved on the list of agreements. You can find the list in Menu → Audiences → Contacts → Custom consent list.
You can add a consent to the following forms:
  • Pop-up (Express and Advanced),
  • Form (Express and Advanced),
  • Landing page,
  • Sidebar,
  • Live Chat,
IMPORTANT: In the Advanced wizards: Pop-up, Form, Landing page and Sidebar, the text of the consent will be displayed correctly in the preview. While you are creating a form, in the place of the form will be displayed parameter with a formula (e.g. $sm.consent_name$). 

Where can I find consents in the system

  • Contact card – information about the fact whether the contact has agreed or not is available on the contact card. It is displayed in the form of the list. It displays all consents sent to the contact. Such list can serve as a documentation that will prove that your actions are compliant with the law and the user is aware of the activities that are performed towards him or her.
[1] Consent name – the name of the consent that was sent to the contact in the form.
[2] Withhold consent – you can hold back the consent manually, so the consent changes the status from confirmed (green dot) to withheld (red dot).
[3] Consent status – a green dot means that the consent was confirmed, an orange dot means that the consent was not confirmed, a red dot means the withheld consent.
[4] Date of consent – the date when the contact confirmed.
[5] Text – the text of the consent.
  • List of agreements – it contains all consents which were created in the system. Each of them can be updated with a new text. Each version of the consent text is archived.

Consents vs. tags

While working with SALESmanago, you acquire information about the behaviour of the user on the monitored website through cookie files. In other words, it means that the data is acquired in an automated way. Such acquired data (e.g. name and surname, email address, date of birth, address, transactional data) are gathered and analyzed in order to prepare an offer that is matched with the interest of the user.
In the SALESmanago system, most of the activities are based on tags. The database is segmented by means of tags. You can organize your contacts according to their interests, activity on the website, gender, etc. Segmentation is classified as a profiling activity that is why you need a consent for that.
If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640