Workflow Action: Send email to Contact

This Action allows you to send a selected email to Contacts that have reached this stage of your Workflow.

After adding this Action to your Workflow, define the following settings:

[1] Email—Select the email that you want to send to Contacts that have reached this stage of the Workflow. The list includes all your emails from the Standard tab on the Email List.

Click the eye icon [A] to see a preview of the selected email.

If you don’t see an email on the list (e.g., because it has just been created), click the refresh icon [B].

[2] Subject—Here, you can check the email subject that your recipients will see in their inboxes. If you want to change the subject, you need to edit the email in the wizard in which it was created.

[3] Sending time—Select when the email should be sent to Contacts. You have the following options:

  • Send immediately—If you select this option, the email will be sent immediately after a Contact reaches this stage of the Workflow.
  • Send after…—If you select this option, the email will be sent after the specified number of hours has passed from the moment a Contact reached this stage of the Workflow.
  • Send based on Contact’s activity—If you select this option, the system will determine the best time for sending the email based on a Contact’s behavioral profile. EXAMPLE: If you select the option day and hour:
    The SALESmanago system will analyze a Contact’s interactions with your monitored website and determine on what day of the week and at what time the Contact is most active (and thus, most likely to notice and open your email). Note that if you select day or day and hour, the email can be sent even 7 days from the moment a Contact reaches this stage of the Workflow.
  • Send at specific time of the day—If you select this option, the email will be sent at a specific time of the day within the next 24 hours.

[4] Send a copy of the email to…—Check this box if you want to receive a copy of the email each time it is sent to a Contact. After selecting this option, you can choose whether the copy should be sent to the main owner and/or to any other specified email address.

Click Save to continue configuring your Workflow.

IMPORTANT: The product recommendation strategy for an email containing a Dynamic Product Block/Frame (marked with a cart icon on list) must be selected in the wizard in which the email was created.

Read how to define the product selection strategy in Dynamic Product Blocks in the Email Design Studio >>

Read how to define the product selection strategy in Dynamic Product Frames in the Drag & Drop Email Designer >>

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640