Workflow Condition: Contact has External Event

This Condition is met if a Contact has an External Event meeting the specified conditions assigned to them.

After adding this Condition to your Workflow, define the following settings:

contact has external event

[1] Event type—Select the type of External Event for which the Condition will be met (provided that the criteria specified in point [2] are met).

[2] Data fields (optional)—Here, you can specify detailed criteria under which the Condition will be met.

The checkboxes [A–F] correspond to data fields included in External Events. If you want the Condition to be met only if an External Event of the selected type contains a defined value in one or more data fields, check one or more of these boxes [A–F].

If you do not check any of the boxes [A–F], the Condition will be met whenever an External Event of the type selected in point [1] is assigned to a Contact, irrespective of the contents of any data fields.

After checking a box [A–F], one or more input fields will appear below. These fields allow you to specify the value (or a range of values) that a data field needs to contain for the Condition to be met.

Note that if you do check a box [A–F], you need to specify the value(s) for which the Condition will be met. For instance, if you check the box location [F] but do not enter any location in the input field that will appear, the Condition will be met only if a Contact has an External Event of the selected type with an empty “location” field.

IMPORTANT: The selected options will be connected by the AND operator, which means that the Condition will be met only if all the corresponding data fields contain the specified values.

EXAMPLE: If you enter the following settings:


The Condition will be met if a Contact has a CART External Event that meets the following criteria:

  • the value in the “value” field of the External Event is greater than 100


the “product” data field includes the following product ID: XYZ123. (NOTE: This can be the only product ID in this data field or one of many product IDs—the Condition will be met in both cases).

When configuring this Condition, you can choose from the following criteria:

[A] Value—Specify the value that must be transferred in the “value” data field of an External Event for the Condition to be met.

You can use the following operators:

  • any value—The default option. If you leave this operator in all the fields:
    condition any value
    The Condition will be met irrespective of the value transferred in the “value” data field.
  • contains—Select this operator if you want the Condition to be met only if the “value” data field of an External Event contains a specific phrase or a specific pattern.Read about regular expressions >>For instance, if you select this operator and enter the number “49” in the field next to it, the Condition will be met for External Events with values such as “49”, “149”, “495”, etc.
  • greater than—Select this operator to define a range of numbers (exclusive).
  • less than—Select this operator to define a range of numbers (exclusive).
  • equal to—Select this operator if you want the Condition to occur only if the value of an External Event is exactly the same as the entered one.

EXAMPLE: If you enter the following settings:


The Condition will be met if a Contact has a CART External Event with a value ranging from 50 to 300 exclusive.

[B] Product—Specify the product ID(s) that must be transferred in the “product” data field of an External Event for the Condition to be met.

NOTE: The “product” field is case-sensitive.

You can enter more than one Product ID, separating them with commas (with no spaces). All Product IDs entered in this field will be connected by the OR operator, which means that for the Condition to be met, at least one of them must be included in the “product” data field of the External Event.

Make sure to enter Product ID(s) of the type used in your integration. For instance, if your SALESmanago account is integrated with an eCommerce platform through a SALESmanago plugin, and you selected SKU identifiers in the plugin configuration, enter SKU identifiers in this field.

[C] Detail—Specify the value(s) that must be transferred in particular “detail” data fields of an External Event for the Condition to be met.

NOTE: All “detail” fields are case-sensitive.

You can specify the value for one or more details (up to 20). By default, the input fields are empty and the operator any value is selected for all details, which means that the Condition will be met irrespective of the values transferred in these fields. To specify a value for a detail, select a different operator and enter a value in the corresponding field. (For a description of the available operators, see point [2.A]—Value.)

If you specify values for more than one detail, the values will be connected by the AND operator. This means that the Condition will be met only if an External Event contains all the specified details and all the details have the values defined in the Condition’s settings.

EXAMPLE: If you enter the following settings:


The Condition will be met if an External Event assigned to a Contact:

  • has detail2 with a value less than 200,


  • has detail4 with the value “free”,


  • has detail7 with a value greater than 1000.

[D] Date—Here, you can configure the Condition to be met if the date transferred in the “date” field of an External Event falls within the specified time range.

EXAMPLE: If you enter the following settings:


The Condition will be met if a Contact has a RESERVATION External Event assigned to them and if the date and time transferred in the “date” field of that External Event fall within the last 12 hours (i.e., within 12 hours before the moment when this Condition is checked by the system).

[E] Description—Specify the value that must be transferred in the “description” data field of an External Event for the Condition to be met.

For the Condition to be met, the value entered in this field and the description transferred in the External Event must be identical in terms of characters (this field is not case-sensitive).

[F] Location—Specify the value that must be transferred in the “location” data field of an External Event for the Condition to be met.

For the Condition to be met, the value entered in this field and the location transferred in the External Event must be identical in terms of characters (this field is not case-sensitive).

Click Save to continue configuring your Workflow.

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640