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If you have integrated your SALESmanago platform with Facebook Ads, you can create a new Custom Audience or edit an existing one, as long as your Facebook Ad Account has been authorized.
IMPORTANT: The Custom Audience mechanism is based on matching email addresses and phone numbers. If a user is registered on Facebook with an email address different from the one in the SALESmanago database, the Contact can be matched based on their telephone number, as long as the telephone number provided on Facebook is the same as that on the SALESmanago platform.
IMPORTANT: In order to create a Custom Audience, you need to integrate SALESmanago with Facebook Ads.
Read more about Facebook Ads integration >>
To add a new Custom Audience, go to
Audiences → Social Media → Facebook and click on:
or go to
Audiences → Social Media → Facebook → + Add a group
1. Adding a Custom Audience
A. Data
The first step is to provide details that will help you identify the new Custom Audience in the system.

[1] Name – enter the name for your new Custom Audience. This field is required.
[2] Description – provide a short description of the new Custom Audience. This field is required.
[3] Account – select the Facebook Ad Account to which the new Custom Audience is to be added. This field is required.
Click Next to go to the next step: Contact management [B].
B. Contact management
Here you can add Contacts to your new Custom Audience.
IMPORTANT: A Custom Audience is defined only once, when it is being created. Any changes to Contact data (such as adding a tag, removing a tag, new Mobile Marketing status) will not be reflected in an existing Custom Audience, i.e. a defined Contact group is never updated (Contacts are not added or removed on an ongoing basis).
Start by selecting the Contact management method.
[B.1] Automation processes – choose this option if you want to add or remove Contacts in this Custom Audience automatically, by means of Automation Processes, by using the Action: Add/delete contact in the group Custom Audiences >>.
If a specific event occurs or if a certain condition is met for a Contact, SALESmanago will automatically send a request to Facebook for the Contact to be added or removed, as appropriate.Choose between Rule [A] and Workflow [B].
If you select Rule [A], you will be taken to the Automation Rules panel, where you can create a new rule or edit an existing one.
Read more about Automation Rules >>
If you select Workflow [B], you will be taken to the List of Workflows, where you can create a new Workflow or edit an existing one.
NOTE: If you select Rule [A] or Workflow [B], you will be informed that in order to use the new Custom Audience in an Automation Process, you have to save it first. When you see the screen below:
click OK to proceed. At this point, the new Custom Audience will be added to the list of Custom Audiences (you can always edit it later).
[B.2] Contact group – here you can define manually, based on segments, selectors, and filters, what Contacts will be added to the new Custom Audience.
Read more about Contact segments and selectors >> and filters >>
When you have made all necessary selections, you can click on Count [A] to see how many Contacts will be added to the Custom Audience as a result of these selections.
Then click [B] to add the selected Contacts to the new Custom Audience.Having defined all settings,
click Save in the top right corner of the wizard.
2. Important information
- The Custom Audience mechanism is based on matching email addresses and phone numbers. If a user is registered on Facebook with an email address different from the one in the SALESmanago database, the Contact can be matched based on their telephone number, as long as the telephone number provided on Facebook is the same as that on the SALESmanago platform.
- Minimum size: For a Custom Audience to be available, it must contain at least 1,000 Contacts.
- Availability status: A newly-created Custom Audience may be unavailable, as indicated by the Can’t deliver status:
This is because it requires some processing on Facebook’s part. However, it should soon become available (the waiting time is approx. 6-24 hours and is outside SALESmanago’s control).
- Estimate size: When you have created your Custom Audience, you will be able to see its estimate size on the list of Customs Audiences (Menu → Audiences → Social Media → Facebook – bottom of the page). When the Custom Audience is available and ready to use, this will be indicated in the Availability column:
and the value in the Estimate size column will represent the approximate size. However, it may happen that the value in this column will be “-1”.
NOTE: If the estimate size of your Custom Audience is -1, this means that a calculation error occurred on Facebook’s part and the estimate size could not be obtained from Facebook. The Custom Audience is ready to use, but you will not be able to see its estimate size.