Workflow Condition: Contact clicked on link in email

This Condition is met if a Contact has clicked on a link included in your email(s).

This can be a specific link (a specific URL address) or any link in the selected email(s).


  • This Condition will only work for links leading to a webpage, i.e., to a URL address. It cannot be used for other link types, such as tel:, sms:, or mailto:, which are available in the Email Design Studio.
  • If you want this Condition to be met for links leading to an external domain, make sure that the option Use redirect in mailings (Menu → Channels → Email Marketing → Settings ) is enabled.
    If this box is not checked, the Condition will only be met for links leading to a monitored website. Read more about advanced email filters and settings >>

After adding this Condition to your Workflow, define the following settings:

[1] Any email—select this option if you want the Condition to be met if a Contact has clicked on a link in any of your emails.

[2] Select email…—select an email from the list. The Condition will be met if a Contact has clicked on a link in this specific email.

The list includes all your emails from the Standard tab on the Email List. Note that this Condition will also be met if the email was sent as a birthday or periodic email, or as part of an A/B test.

Click on the eye icon [A] to see a preview of the selected email.

You can select more than one email [B]. The selected emails will be connected by the OR operator, which means that the Condition will be met if a Contact has clicked on a link in any of these emails.

[3] URL path—enter a URL address. The Condition will be met if a Contact clicks on a link included in any or a specific email (as defined in the settings above) and redirecting to this specific page.

Do not include the protocol (https://) and the www subdomain.



You can also specify a part of a URL address.

Read about URL patterns >>

EXAMPLE: If you enter “email-design-studio”, the Condition will be met if a Contact has clicked, e.g., on the following links:

If you enter “/email-design-studio”, the Event will be met if a Contact has clicked, e.g., on the following links:

NOTE: If you leave this field empty, the Condition will be met if a Contact has clicked on any link included in the selected email(s), except for any opt-in and opt-out links.

Click Save to continue configuring your Workflow.

If you need more information about the topic mentioned above, please contact us: +1 800 960 0640